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ESPAÑOL | Lingüística | Semiótica | Literatura


Recursos didácticos para mejorar los procesos de enseñanza/aprendizaje.

Las personas ven en el mundo lo que llevan en su corazón
— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

¿Quién soy?

Soy una maestra y entrenadora de español como lengua materna y extranjera que usa estrategias que vinculan la motivación, la afectividad, la constancia, la disciplina, la confianza y el buen humor para lograr que la gramática, las tareas de escritura, la comprensión lectora, la pronunciación o la fluidez en un discurso sean más fáciles de asimilar y aprender.

Para entender la cultura contemporánea tienes que entender semiótica
— Paul Cobley

Mira con lo que te puedo ayudar


Encuentra una propuesta didáctica innovadora para aproximar a los estudiantes a la literatura ya sea en espacios virtuales o presenciales.

Preguntan los estudiantes

A partir de recursos didácticos que puedes usar en el aula o en casa, doy respuesta a las inquietudes relacionadas con Español, Literatura, Lingüística y Semiótica. 


Lo que dicen mis estudiantes

«It would be hard to find a more warm-hearted, positive-spirited person than Paola. It is such a great pleasure to speak with her. She encompasses all the great characteristics attributed to her in her reviews and then more. The language learning was not superficial at all. Quite the opposite, being in a language and communication university program perhaps is a major reason that Paola is so very focused. She keeps the conversation going with new and complex words that help you stretch in each session. She patiently listens as you answer questions at your skill level, with warm and friendly smiles along the route. Then, when you are asking questions and gaining listening skills, she shares in a very fluid, yet paced Spanish, much like the video, in a way that is knowingly neither too fast nor too slow, but just right for your comprehension level, of course with a little bit of linguistic muscle stretching. Thank you so, so very much, Paola!'»


«As always, I had a great conversation with Paola. We talked about both of our experiences working with kids and about literature and reading. She is SO encouraging; I never feel afraid to try a word even if it may not be right. She also made a plan for our next lessons together. I would strongly recommend Paola!»


«Otra lección genial, Paola. Gracias por aclarar mis dudas sobre el pretérito e imperfecto. Tu conocimiento del idioma español es bien amplio. Siempre es un placer platicar contigo. Hasta la próxima.»


«I loved my lesson with Paola! We talked about our lives and things that we liked or didn’t like. Her correction was perfect for me. I enjoyed talking and asking questions which seemed very natural in our conversation.»
